Tahoe Arts Project

Peggy Blowney - Executive Director
Tahoearts@aol.com (530)542-3632
The mission of TAP is to provide cultural enrichment and diversity for the community through the arts and education with particular focus on our youth.
Benefits of Arts Education
Recent Studies about Art Education
Critical Evidence: How the Arts Benefit Student Achievement
The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) and the AEP commissioned Critical Evidence: How the Arts Benefit Student Achievement in response to the needs of arts professionals and nonprofessionals alike for accurate and concise information that reflects the current state of knowledge about arts learning and student achievement.
The Arts and Achievement in At-Risk Youth
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) released a research report indicating several positive outcomes with high levels of arts exposure for youth of low socioeconomic status. According to a study led by James S. Catterall of four separate longitudinal studies, at-risk students who have access to the arts in or out of school appear to have better academic results, better workforce opportunities, and more civic engagement than at-risk students who do not.
Articles and other recourses for information about the importance of Arts Education